Journey through John 11:17-27

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 11:17-27
Devo Thought: Have you ever been so sure of a belief only to find out that you have been partially wrong in your understanding? I remember a summer afternoon at a baseball practice for my oldest son. For context, I was not a good baseball player when I was younger. I wanted to help “coach” my sons’ teams so that I could spend time with him and his friends and encourage them. His head coach had actually played college baseball and knew what he was talking about. That day, we were working on hit-and-runs. This is an offensive play where a runner on base (typically first) is put into motion at the pitch and then the hitter tried to put the ball in play. We ran on of these and the ball was hit. The runner at the time stopped running and froze. I got onto him and told him to keep his head down and to keep running. The head coach said, “No, you need to find the baseball when you hear contact, but you can keep moving while you do it.” I was only partially right. I needed correction. That’s what we see in this passage. Martha has a number of partially right beliefs about Jesus and about the resurrection. She is right to say that Jesus could have healed her brother. She is also right to say that her brother would be resurrected at the last day. However, she hadn’t fully understand who Jesus was, and so he corrects her. He explains that he himself is the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in him will never die. After correcting her, Jesus asks her the question that I think is intended for all of us. Do you believe this? This is whole point of the Gospel of John. He writes all of this so that we would believe in Jesus. Throughout John’s Gospel, he has done amazing signs and wonders to show that he is “the Messiah, the Son of God who comes into the world.” Do you believe this?
Let us ask God to help us believe in the Messiah Jesus.
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