Journey through John 3:19-21

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 3:19-21

Devo Thought: Have you ever thought about what the very first sinners did after they committed the very first sin? They hid. They hid themselves from one another, and they hid themselves from God. They hid themselves from one another by sewing fig leaves together and covering themselves up. Before you laugh at them and think that’s a dumb way to hide, I want you ask yourself a question. Have you ever done something for someone right after committing a sinful act against them? Maybe you felt guilty for what you had done, so you washed the dishes or cleaned up the living room or bought them a gift. Let’s be honest. This is just a modern-day version of fig leaves. It’s a way of hiding your sinful acts. What about hiding from God? Right after sewing some fig leaves together, Adam and Eve hide in the garden, using the very trees that were a good gift from God to hide from Him. Instead of owning their sin, they tried hiding in the dark and hoping that God wouldn’t see or wouldn’t know. Again, we see this episode and maybe we think to ourselves that we would never be so foolish to think that we could hide from God, but we do it all the time. Our passage in John tells us why this is the case: “people loved darkness rather than the light.” Our hearts, apart from the saving power of Jesus, are inclined to hide from God because we love the dark and we know we aren’t really good. More than that, we know that God is good, and in His light, our evil will be exposed. Like when we take a picture and we want the light to be good, what we mean is we want light that hides our blemishes and highlights our best features. Here’s the thing, if we hide from the light, we can’t ever deal with our blemishes, our flaws, our sin. However, when we come into the light, God can expose our sin and provide a remedy for it.

Let us confess to God our sin and expose ourselves to His light.
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