Journey through John 2:13-17

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 2:13-17

Devo Thought: Have you ever been deeply passionate about something? So passionate that you devoted huge portions of your time, energy, and effort into that thing? When I was a young man, I was deeply passionate about The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I knew what each of the turtles could do and what they were good at. I identified with the turtle I felt like I was most like (Donatello if you’re curious). I learned how to draw them. I got the action figures, and even made my own home movie with those action figures. Then, my passion became video games. I would sit upstairs in our house playing Super Mario Brothers, Mario Cart, Golden Eye, SimCity, and many, many more. After that, I picked up martial arts. I would practice multiple days a week, and at home, I would continue to work on improving. Later, basketball became my obsession. I spent hours upon hours shooting in my driveway, playing with my friends at the gym, working to improve. I poured my whole self into basketball. The point I’m trying to make is we, as humans, are made to be passionate, to have a zeal that consumes us. The question really is, what will this zeal, this passion, be pointed at? In this passage, we see what Jesus really cared about? He walks into the Temple, the place where His Father was supposed to be worshipped and glorified, and He witnessed people using and abusing the place and more importantly the person connected to the place. He was passionate about seeing His Father glorified, and He was willing to pour His whole life into seeing that happen. May we also have a passion to see the Father glorified!

Let us pray that we would make the Father’s glory our passion.
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