Journey through John 9:3-5

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 9:3-5
Devo Thought: Anybody ever heard of an auto stereogram? An auto stereogram is a a 2D image that creates an optical illusion of a 3D scene. These are the pictures that you must stare at for a really long time to see what’s really going on. Even after staring at for a while, it can still be difficult to make out the scene behind the surface. I remember looking at them when I was younger. I would almost always have a friend that would see the object or scene under the surface before I did. When they told me what they saw, I would immediately see it too. This passage is an auto stereogram. Here is Jesus, answering the mistaken question of his disciples: Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus tells them to look closer. When they do, they will see the real purpose behind all this. Jesus tells them that something far deeper and far greater is at play here. The 2D image is just the surface. What’s just under the surface is the glory of God. Sometimes that’s not easy to see because we are distracted by the surface-level details, or maybe we aren’t quite sure what to look for. Then, someone comes along and looks at the picture and immediately helps us see our mistake. I think this happens a lot in our lives. We get so lost in the surface-level details of life that we miss out on the glory of God. Slow down, look harder, pray carefully, and you might just see God’s glory all around you.
Let us ask God to see the whole picture and to reveal His glory to us.
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