Journey through John 9:13-17

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 9:13-17
Devo Thought: Mark Twain once said, “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.” What he meant by this is that when we tell the truth, we don’t have to think of things to say. There is nothing to make up. We just have to say it. Here we have the continuation of the healing of the man born blind. He is brought before the Pharisees in a mock trial and asked about what happened to him. He has told people that it was Jesus who healed him, but the Pharisees want more. They want some ammunition to condemn Jesus. They don’t want the truth about Jesus. As the man testifies, we see a man who isn’t trying to fabricate a story. He is simply telling the truth. The story is simple: “He put mud on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.” Amazing. Profound. Simple. Jesus met him and changed his life forever. The Pharisees only care about one thing. They want to condemn Jesus. They want to stop him. They don’t care about the truth. They care about their way. So, they shift the story away from the truth (that a miraculous thing has happened) and toward their agenda (Jesus didn’t keep the Sabbath). I think it is important for us to think about this when we are telling our own story and also when we are looking for the truth. We don’t tell the truth or get to the truth by deflecting our attention from it and onto less important things. In the end, the Pharisees ask the man what he thinks about Jesus (whether he is from God or a sinner) and without hesitation, he answers them, “He is a prophet.” He tells the truth because he had met the Truth.
Let us pray and ask God to help us to be truth-tellers and truth-seekers.
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