Journey through John 10:11-15

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John
Read John 10:11-15
Devo Thought: At this point in the story of John 10, Jesus uses another metaphor to describe himself and his relationship to his people. He says, “I am the good shepherd.” What makes someone a good shepherd? A shepherd’s job is to care for and tend to the needs of his sheep. He needs to guide them to pastures for food and to water. He needs to move them from one place to another. He needs to find places of safety from storms and wild animals. Many shepherds in Jesus’ day would have been hired hands. These hired hands would be willing to do their jobs up to a certain point. They would be willing to lead the sheep to pastures and to water. They would be willing to guide them safely from one place to another. However, when danger approached, they would flee. A hired hand knew there would be limits to their care for the sheep. However, a shepherd who owns the sheep knows how value each and every sheep is. This is where Jesus differentiates himself from those hired hands. His love for the sheep isn’t a mercenary love. His love for his sheep isn’t bound by monetary gain. As Jesus says, he is the good shepherd because “I lay down my life for the sheep.” He is good because he willingly sacrifices himself for us. He knows his sheep, and he wants to protect them, to save them from danger. It’s a comforting thought to know that Jesus is the good shepherd. He knows what you and I need. He knows us. He has laid down his life for us.  
Let us thank God that Jesus is the good shepherd.
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