30-Day Personal Devotion Challenge Day 16

Good Morning Church Family – Day 16

Read Colossians 3:1-4

Devo Thought: If you’ve ever been to dinner with a large group of people, your experience of that dinner is largely determined by one thing: your seat. The place you sit at the table matters almost as much as the food and the service. The place at the table determines when your order is taken, when you get your food, who you can and can’t talk to in the dinner party. It makes such a difference. In Colossians 3, the Apostle Paul is going to begin to outline the application of his teachings on Jesus from the previous chapter. He is going to help us to begin to align our lives with the theological truths of chapters 1 and 2. But, before he begins the aligning process, he starts with a seat. He starts with where Jesus is seated. He says that Christ is “seated at the right hand of God.” The shorthand way of explaining this is that Jesus is at the best seat at the table. Let’s explore this for a minute. To be at the right hand of God means that you are at the place of the power of God. It is from His right hand that God wields His power. It is a power to uplifts and destroy, to plant and pluck up, to create and make new. Jesus being seated there means that He is the One who wields the very power of God the Father. Now, why does Paul mention this here? It is because Paul is going to tell the believers in Colossae that radical life change is necessary. This is a big deal and a difficult task, BUT Jesus is at the right hand of the Father and will empower us to do this, to make the radical changes in our lives that align with the truth about Jesus. The seat of Jesus is essential to making it possible for us to be changed and transformed by the truth. Jesus is in the best seat in the house, and He’s using it for our good and His glory.

Prayer – Let us thank God that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and that He uses that power for our good and His glory.
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