30-Day Personal Devotion Challenge Day 2
Good Morning Church Family – Day 2
Read Colossians 1:3-5a
Devo Thought: Faith, hope, and love are often mentioned together in the New Testament. I thought it would be a good idea to define those ideas in biblical terms and then think about how Paul uses them here. Faith is more than simply having and believing the right information about God; it is the willingness to trust God and what He says with our heart, mind, body, and soul. That means we trust Him and His plan for us. Love is more than a feeling; it is an active choice to sacrifice for the good of others and to lay down our lives to see God’s plan fulfilled in us and in the world around us. Hope is more than wishful thinking; it is the deep and settled expectation that God’s plan will be completed in us and in the world around us. The Apostle Paul commends the believers in Colossae because he sees all those things in them. The question I think we should consider today is, do people around us see those things in us? Do they see us trusting in God’s word and ways? Do they see us choosing the good of our friends, enemies, and those we don’t even know? Do they see us looking forward to what God has laid up for us in heaven? If we think they do, let’s give thanks to God. If we aren’t sure, maybe we should ask them. If we know they don’t, today is a new day, and there is no better time to start trusting Jesus, loving God our Father and people around us, and hoping in our future.
Prayer – Pray that we would be found to be faithful, loving, and hopeful children of God
Read Colossians 1:3-5a
Devo Thought: Faith, hope, and love are often mentioned together in the New Testament. I thought it would be a good idea to define those ideas in biblical terms and then think about how Paul uses them here. Faith is more than simply having and believing the right information about God; it is the willingness to trust God and what He says with our heart, mind, body, and soul. That means we trust Him and His plan for us. Love is more than a feeling; it is an active choice to sacrifice for the good of others and to lay down our lives to see God’s plan fulfilled in us and in the world around us. Hope is more than wishful thinking; it is the deep and settled expectation that God’s plan will be completed in us and in the world around us. The Apostle Paul commends the believers in Colossae because he sees all those things in them. The question I think we should consider today is, do people around us see those things in us? Do they see us trusting in God’s word and ways? Do they see us choosing the good of our friends, enemies, and those we don’t even know? Do they see us looking forward to what God has laid up for us in heaven? If we think they do, let’s give thanks to God. If we aren’t sure, maybe we should ask them. If we know they don’t, today is a new day, and there is no better time to start trusting Jesus, loving God our Father and people around us, and hoping in our future.
Prayer – Pray that we would be found to be faithful, loving, and hopeful children of God
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