Journey through John 2:18-22

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 2:18-22

Devo Thought: I remember when I was younger when people would tell me (quite often) that there were things I would understand better when I got older and more experienced. Young married couples have this experience quite frequently. Before they get married, they have all these thoughts about what married life will be, and people who have been married a while try to explain to them why some of their notions are mistaken. Then, they get married and start to learn that marriage is so much more than they ever thought it would be. At this point, they start thinking about having children, and again they have their notions about what it is going to be like when they have children. And again, experienced parents will try to tell them where they might be right and where they might be wrong. Then, they have children and find out for themselves. This passage is an example of this kind of thing. Jesus says something, doesn’t really explain himself, and leaves it with them. The Jews (which is usually code for the religious leaders) question Jesus running the traders out of the Temple and ask for a sign from Him. In other words, they tell Him to prove Himself. Jesus tells them what to look for. “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up,” He says. They don’t get it, and He doesn’t attempt to explain Himself. It’s not until later that even His disciples get it. They needed more to happen for them to be able to understand, but once they gained the experience of the death and resurrection of Jesus, they believed. I think this continues to happen to us as believers. So often, we read the Scriptures and only have a partial understanding, and then life happens, and those Scriptures come to life. When that happens, what do you do? Do you believe? When doubt comes, we must remember what Jesus said and believe Him.

Let us pray and ask God for help in believing the words of Jesus.
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