Journey through John 4:1-6

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 4:1-6

Devo Thought: Last time, we talked about the fact that we have to approach Jesus with our minds set on the right things. One of the ways we can get our minds right is to understand who Jesus really is. This passage reminds us that Jesus was fully man just as He was fully God. After Jesus made a journey, John says, “so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well.” It is a simple, almost off handed, comment that John throws in, but it is so much more than that. Sometimes, we get the mistaken notion that Jesus was superhuman. This isn’t the picture we have in Scripture. We see a Jesus who is wearied from a long walk, who takes naps, who needs to get away, who weeps at the tomb of a friend. Why does this matter? It matters for two very important reasons. First, Jesus being fully man means that we have a savior who can sympathize with us. He knows and has experienced our frailty, the weakness of our bodies, the power of temptation, and He has experienced all of these things without sinning. This leads us to the second reason all this matters. Each of us are guilty of sin and as men and women, we are responsible for the punishment for sin. By taking on humanity, Jesus can take on the punishment for humanity, so that we don’t have to. Being fully human, He can represent us and stand in our place. So, watch out for little “throwaway” statements in the Gospel of John because there is so much meaning and importance in that one little phrase. I don’t want you to miss it.

Let us ask God to give us eyes to see truths like this when we read the Bible.
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