Journey through John 4:15-18

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 4:15-18

Devo Thought: We have been looking at the meeting between Jesus and the woman at the well. Last time, we talked about how our family history can work as an obstacle to a relationship with Jesus. This time, we are going to address how our personal history does this as well. Jesus knew that he had to deal with as issue that had obviously plagued this woman over the course of her life. Her personal relationship history had been an absolute disaster. The response of Jesus to the woman in verse 16 tells us something about her request for the water that Jesus was offering her. She had not fully grasp either the offer that Jesus was making or the great need she had. So, Jesus had to expose something that was undoubtably shameful for her. He asks her to get her husband to which she says that she doesn’t have a husband. Jesus responds and says that she is right because she has not only had one husband but five and that the man she was with now wasn’t even her husband. This may seem harsh to us, but the illumination of our sin, our failure is the only way we get to a point of seeing our need for Jesus. The way Jesus puts it with others is that those who are well have no need of a physician. The problem is that none of us are well apart from Jesus. It is right for us to pray as David did in Psalm 139: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” This is a scary prayer, but it is one that leads to healing as we will see in the case of the woman at the well. It is only that her need is expose that she understands what Jesus offers and accepts the gift of grace he gives.

Let us ask God to search us and expose our sinful ways that we might be healed.
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