Journey through John 4:7-10

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 4:7-10

Devo Thought: Have you ever heard the term “divine appointment”? You probably have, but if not, I’ll give you a brief definition. A divine appointment is a time when God puts you (and someone else) in just the right place at just the right time to have a conversation that moves someone into relationship with God. This is what is happening in this passage. Here is this woman who has showed up at just the right place (the very well where Jesus decided to rest) and at just the right time (his disciples have got away and they could have an uninterrupted conversation). Jesus, of course, seizes the opportunity. Immediately, the woman responds to Jesus’ request with surprise and some questions. Perhaps she was afraid that it was a trap. Perhaps she was in a hurry. Perhaps she had had some unpleasant dealings with Jewish men at this very well. She responds to Jesus’ request by building a wall between them. She points out their differences. He was a Jew, and she was a Samaritan. He was a man, and she was a woman. Undeterred, Jesus offers her a gift. The gift is, of course, Himself. Over the next couple of days, we will walk through the rest of this passage, but before we do that, I wanted to take a second and ask a question. How often are we actively looking for divine appointments? I think we often see divine appointment in the retrospect. After the fact, we realize that God was weaving these things together. However, if we really believe in God’s providence (that He is actively working in the world today), then let me suggest that we start looking for divine appointments wherever we go and start seizing them. This means we will have to slow down and be okay when God interrupts our plans. This means we will have to get over the fact that we might be weary from our journey. Because when God makes an appointment, we need to keep it.

Let us ask God to give us eyes to see His appointments for us.
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