Journey through John 10:30-42

Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John

Read John 10:30-42
Devo Thought: This passage deserves a longer and more thorough treatment, so today I’m going to address one thing. Jesus starts with “I and the Father are one.” This is a statement that the Jews present view as clear blasphemy, and they want to kill him for it. The key thing to consider about this particular verse is that John’s Gospel is emphatic on the point of Jesus’ divinity. It was written in part to address this particular issue. The other three gospels dealt with Jesus’ works and his humanity. John was providing balance and reminding people of the fact that Jesus was fully man but he was also fully God. Being fully man he could bear the penalty for our sin; being fully God he could satisfy the righteous requirement for the Law. This is one of the passages people point to prove this theological point. As to the rest of the passage, I think it deserves a more extended treatment, so I am going to come back to it as a kind of appendix to this devotion. So, be on the lookout for that.
Let us thank God that Jesus was fully man and fully God.
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