Journey through John 4:27-30
Good Morning Church Family – Journey Through John
Read John 4:27-30
Devo Thought: Ever had that moment when you were in the middle of doing something and something way more interesting interrupted you and you completely forgot what you were doing in the first place? That’s where we find ourselves in today’s passage. The woman at the well had come for water from Jacob’s well (something she probably did every day or so), and she had gotten something so much better. She had discovered the source of living water. Jesus has just revealed himself to her (something he rarely does in the gospels). About that time, the disciples return, shocked to see Him talking alone with a woman. She leaves immediately and goes to tell everyone about the “man who told me all that I ever did.” Her life had been so interrupted that she left behind the very thing she had come for because what she had gotten was so much better. This reminds me of a parable Jesus shared to describe what finding the “kingdom of heaven” is like. In Matthew 13, Jesus used two such parables. Jesus says, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” The woman is probably more like the first man. She wasn’t expecting to find anything other than water at Jacob’s well. Then, she met Him, the One, the Messiah. It was worth leaving the water jar behind because that didn’t really matter that much anymore. We should all hope to have our lives interrupted in the same sort of way.
Let us ask God to help us leave behind things that don’t really matter that much in order to get the things Jesus has for us.
Read John 4:27-30
Devo Thought: Ever had that moment when you were in the middle of doing something and something way more interesting interrupted you and you completely forgot what you were doing in the first place? That’s where we find ourselves in today’s passage. The woman at the well had come for water from Jacob’s well (something she probably did every day or so), and she had gotten something so much better. She had discovered the source of living water. Jesus has just revealed himself to her (something he rarely does in the gospels). About that time, the disciples return, shocked to see Him talking alone with a woman. She leaves immediately and goes to tell everyone about the “man who told me all that I ever did.” Her life had been so interrupted that she left behind the very thing she had come for because what she had gotten was so much better. This reminds me of a parable Jesus shared to describe what finding the “kingdom of heaven” is like. In Matthew 13, Jesus used two such parables. Jesus says, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” The woman is probably more like the first man. She wasn’t expecting to find anything other than water at Jacob’s well. Then, she met Him, the One, the Messiah. It was worth leaving the water jar behind because that didn’t really matter that much anymore. We should all hope to have our lives interrupted in the same sort of way.
Let us ask God to help us leave behind things that don’t really matter that much in order to get the things Jesus has for us.
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