30-Day Personal Devotion Challenge Day 10
Good Morning Church Family – Day 10
Read Colossians 2:6-7
Devo Thought: When someone tries to hand you something, there is really only one requirement for being able to receive it from them: empty hands. If our hands are full, we can’t receive whatever it is that someone wants to give us. We need to have empty hands to receive from others whatever they want to give to us. The Apostle Paul reminds the saints at the Colossian church that this is how they received Jesus. The way he puts it in chapter 1 is, “And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in the body of His flesh by his death…” He says something similar in Ephesians 2:1: “You were dead in your trespasses and sins…” Romans 5 tells us that we were enemies of God. So, what am I getting at? All of these indicate that we didn’t bring anything to God; we were empty-handed. That’s the requirement to receive Jesus. Open your empty hands. So far, everything we’ve talked about has been about salvation. What about growing in Christ? Well, this passage tells us how we do that? We do it the same way we received Jesus initially. We open our empty hands and receive what we need from Him to walk in Him. We walk in Him by being rooted and built up in Him (just as the roots of the plant reach down into the soil to get security and sustenance, so we reach deeply into Jesus for our safety, security, and sustenance. All we need is empty and open hands to dig deep into the treasures of knowing Jesus.
Prayer – Let us pray to continually come to God with empty and open hands to receive from Him
Read Colossians 2:6-7
Devo Thought: When someone tries to hand you something, there is really only one requirement for being able to receive it from them: empty hands. If our hands are full, we can’t receive whatever it is that someone wants to give us. We need to have empty hands to receive from others whatever they want to give to us. The Apostle Paul reminds the saints at the Colossian church that this is how they received Jesus. The way he puts it in chapter 1 is, “And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in the body of His flesh by his death…” He says something similar in Ephesians 2:1: “You were dead in your trespasses and sins…” Romans 5 tells us that we were enemies of God. So, what am I getting at? All of these indicate that we didn’t bring anything to God; we were empty-handed. That’s the requirement to receive Jesus. Open your empty hands. So far, everything we’ve talked about has been about salvation. What about growing in Christ? Well, this passage tells us how we do that? We do it the same way we received Jesus initially. We open our empty hands and receive what we need from Him to walk in Him. We walk in Him by being rooted and built up in Him (just as the roots of the plant reach down into the soil to get security and sustenance, so we reach deeply into Jesus for our safety, security, and sustenance. All we need is empty and open hands to dig deep into the treasures of knowing Jesus.
Prayer – Let us pray to continually come to God with empty and open hands to receive from Him
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